Welcome to Kingdom Fiber—the Northern Vermont's own fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP) services provider.


Today, a dozen companies scattered across the region offer some access to the internet. Kingdom Fiber is bringing True Broadband℠ and Crystal Voice℠ to locations throughout towns in central Vermont and the NEK. Technology changes quickly and your home and business needs a connection that moves just as fast. Our FTTP can provide speeds 100 to 1,000 times most other companies' offerings. With Kingdom Fiber, once you're connected, you'll be able to upgrade to faster and faster plans with just a phone call—no need for new equipment. That's virtually future-proof!


What we do

Find out about our company, our mission, our methods, and a little bit about our people.

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sign up

Contact us, so we can explain when our services will be available at your location and how to become a subscriber.

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